(Wisconsin Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous)

January 10th-12th 2025

Sherrton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel
375 South Moorland Rd
Brookfield, WI 53005

"Mental Twist"

This three-day conference provides an opportunity for young AA's from all over our state to come together and share their experience, strength, and hope in Alcoholics Anonymous. WICYPAA is visible evidence that large numbers of young people are achieving a lasting and comfortable sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous and are better prepared to receive young people who come to AA.

What is WICYPAA ?

The Wisconsin Conference of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous meets annually. Everyone is welcome. We define Young People as anyone with room to grow. There are no age restrictions. In the past we have had people in their teens and in their seventies involved. The conference provides an opportunity for AA members from all over Wisconsin and the rest of the world to come together to share their experiences, strength, and hope. Like any other conference, it is an opportunity to learn more about the program and sobriety.

Why do we have to pay? Conferences are self supporting. The costs of the event are paid through ticket sales (registration). No baskets are passed during the conference. Ideally, the event is planned as break even; therefore, the registration cost is nominal compared to a weekend worth of entertainment elsewhere. Attendance is voluntary and as responsible A.A. members we pay our own way - in keeping with A.A.'s Seventh Tradition.

We would like to invite any group that would like to host WICYPAA in the future to email us at advisory@wicypaa.org for more information on the requirements to host a WICYPAA conference.

  This file last modified 07/22/24       Please send comments regarding this web site to webmaster@wicypaa.org